Pomsky Puppies

A fluffy, ridiculously cute dog that looks like a miniature husky? Yes, please!

People are lining up for Pomsky puppies nationwide, and it’s no wonder. These energetic extroverts are playful and intelligent dogs. Plus, they’re so stinkin’ adorable! If you find yourself smitten with this adorable crossbreed, there are a few things you need to know. 

Pomskies are a relatively new hybrid, created by crossing a Pomeranian with a Siberian husky. If you’re used to the predictability of a purebred, you could be in for a surprise when meeting a litter of Pomsky puppies. 

This breed inherits a mix of traits from both of their parent breeds, so variations do occur. There’s no exact science to predicting which of those traits will manifest in a Pomsky, so every puppy is a unique melting pot of mixed-genes!

That said, there are certain characteristics that shine through in most Pomsky puppies. If you’ve ever considered adding one of these pups to your household, we’ve got you covered with all the facts you need to know.

Pomsky puppy facts

Our breakdown of Pomsky traits will help you decide if this breed is right for you. 

Just remember—this is a crossbreed, so every Pomsky puppy will have slight variations. 

All right, let’s brush up on your Pomsky puppy facts!

SizeSmall to mid-sized. Generally, 10-15” tall. A full-grown Pomsky will usually weigh between 20-30 pounds. 
Breed CharacteristicsBest known for its wolfish/Husky-like appearance, the Pomsky has a soft, silky coat and a bushy curved tail. Their medium-length double-coat is a mix of black, white, and gray. Breeders are still working on developing a breed standard when it comes to the Pomsky’s appearance, so puppies will be varied. 
TemperamentPomsky puppies inherit a unique blend of personality traits from their parent breeds. Expect to see both watchdog behavior (from their Pomeranian genes) and good-natured patience (from their husky genes). They also tend to inherit a double dose of smarts from both parents, making them easy to train in addition to becoming easily bored. Pomsky puppies are loyal and loving dogs who enjoy a lot of attention from their owners. You’ll need energy to spare to keep up with this pup: Pomskies are energetic and love to play. 
Grooming and Health NeedsPomskies sport a double-coat, which needs to be brushed frequently—up to 3-5 times per week!  Since Huskies are at risk for hip dysplasia and eye problems, and Pomeranians are prone to skin problems, Pomskies have the potential to develop any one of these health issues. 
TrainingWith the advantage of two intelligent parent breeds, The Pomsky is clever and eager to please. This lucky combination usually makes him a trainable breed, however, his husky genes may manifest as willful stubbornness or even goofy mischievousness. Consistency is key in training a Pomsky.
Energy LevelA bored Pomsky can become a destructive Pomsky, so it’s imperative to get in plenty of interactive playtime. This hybrid will certainly keep you on your toes with his energetic escapades. Be prepared to maintain a regular exercise regimen to keep your Pomsky happy and out of trouble.
Life ExpectancyA Pomsky will usually live 14-15 years.

Who is the best human for a Pomsky puppy?

Could a Pomsky puppy be in your future? They’re a lovely, friendly breed, but they’re not for everyone. Let’s explore whether or not you have what it takes to raise a happy Pomsky puppy. 

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the following still bears repeating: Pomskies have energy to spare. They need owners who will help them channel this extra enthusiasm into healthy outlets. Daily exercise is a must.

One less-than-desirable trait we sometimes see with Pomskies is a bad habit of barking excessively, which could make them a less than ideal apartment resident without dedicated training from day one. 

What about kids? Since they love to play so much, a home with children is a great environment for Pomsky puppies to thrive.

Just introduce him slowly and gently to kids because Pomskies can be a little nervous. And watch out for toddlers—a Pomsky’s spirited antics could unintentionally knock a little one over. 

Another quirk to watch for: like their Pomeranian parent breed, Pomskies can develop possessive instincts  and if you fail to curb this behavior with the proper training, your Pomsky puppy could become overly protective of his toys or food.  

When it comes to adopting a Pomsky puppy, one of the top things to keep in mind is their need for attention. If you’re out of the house all day, you may need to hire a dog walker to check in and play with your Pomsky. 

Another great option is puppy daycare or working at a dog friendly company so you can bring your pup into the office with you every day.

Left to their own devices alone at home, your Pomsky could develop undesirable behaviors such as chewing and other destructive behavior. So the win-win is they are so cute you will not want to be away from them so no worries.